Gällivare – Kunskapshuset – Urban Green


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Do you want to change country or language? Australia. Peikko Group Global (English) DELTABEAM ® Slim Floor Peikko’s new DELTABEAM[®] Green composite beam cuts CO\2\ emissions by up to 50% Wed, May 13, 2020 10:56 CET. Peikko Group, a leading global supplier of concrete connections, composite structures and wind energy applications, has started deliveries of its new DELTABEAM ® Green composite beam. DELTABEAM ® Green on rakenteellisesti täysin yhtenevä Peikon perinteikkään, jo yli 30-vuotiaan DELTABEAM ®-liittopalkin kanssa. Uuden tuotteen merkittävimmät edut ovat, että se valmistetaan yli 90-prosenttisesti kierrätetystä teräsmateriaalista, ja sen tuotannossa käytetään ainoastaan uusiutuvaa energiaa.

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These include the demands of increasing urbanization worldwide, and the need to create both economic and ecological solutions – particularly while the industry still produces more than 30% of global CO 2 emissions.. As part of the drive towards increased sustainability, Peikko’s DELTABEAM ® Slim Peikko has always provided a faster, safer and more efficient way to design and build. Many of our solutions are already compatible with circular economy principles. With Peikko, you can meet the environmental demands Lightening environmental footprint with DELTABEAM ® Green.

Peikko forestår brandteknisk beregning af DELTABEAM ®. Arkitektonisk frihed Skjulte grid på op til 12 x 16 meter åbner op for talrige muligheder, når det kommer til indretning og sætter ingen begrænsninger for funktionaliteten af kvadratmeterne. Are you looking for a building frame that saves both time and effort?

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Minimized material use compared to traditional steel structures. Drastically reduced use of virgin material. Full compatibility with LEED, BREEAM and EPD and highly improved scores for your building project!

Peikko deltabeam green

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Peikko deltabeam green

koncept Green Kilometers är ett konkret sätt transporter av DELTABEAM® Green inom Nor- Det utökade samarbetet med Peikko visar att miljövänliga. Greenstep Oy. 602 28 Norrköping•Distans. 7 dagar sedan Teknisk säljare inom DELTABEAM stomsystem till Peikko.

Peikko deltabeam green

By combining the strength of steel and concrete, the DELTABEAM® Frame gives you slim floors, long spans and an integrated fire resistance of up to 4 hours. A DELTABEAM ® yhdistää teräksen ja betonin vahvat puolet. Se on tehokas ja edullinen järjestelmä monille erilaisille laattatyypeille. DELTABEAM ® on suunniteltu käytettäväksi rakenteellisena elementtinä kaikkien seuraavien yleisten betonilaattatyyppien kanssa: ontelolaatat, kuorilaatat, liittoprofiilipelti ja paikalla valetut betonilaatat.
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Aušra aloittaa uudessa roolissaan 1.8.2021. Peikko's DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure is a flexible solution that is always tailored construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes,. 15. jun 2020 til å tilby en av våre største innovative løsninger noensinne, DELTABEAM Green, sier en fornøyd Daniel Klemetsen, salgssjef i Peikko Norge. Peikko Group founded in 1965 in Finland is a leading global supplier of concrete Did you know that DELTABEAM® Green composite beam cuts CO2  25.

April 30, 2020 · Do you know that DELTABEAM® Green is manufactured from 90% recycled materials using renewable energy?
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Peikko forestår brandteknisk beregning af DELTABEAM ®.

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April 30, 2020 · Do you know that DELTABEAM® Green is manufactured from 90% recycled materials using renewable energy?

In the following chapter, a comparative calculation explains how much DELTABEAM® Green can reduce the CO 2 emissions of an office building in practice. DELTABEAM ® Slim Floor Structure . Connections for Seismic Applications . Design Tools .