Örebro län - Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex
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European Union’s Population: EU 27 excl UK: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Eurostat. The data is categorized under Global Database’s European Union – Table EU.G002: Eurostat: Population: by Sex. In 2018, 39.3% of the population lived in the cities, 31.6% lived in towns and suburbs, and 29.1% lived in rural areas. A closer look at digital skills Digital skills are considered essential for global competitiveness, boosting jobs and growth, while the internet can also play a vital role in terms of providing high-quality education and training. In 2019, the overall level of digital skills Eurostat population numbers by NUTS3 Data table via SPARQL Published 02 Apr 2012 Last modified 10 Sep 2019 Data visualisations Menu.
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Almost 1 out of every 4 persons in the EU in this situation. In 2013, 122.6 million people, or 24.5% of the population, EU age- and gender- stratified population data: EMEP grid (2010, 2020, 2030 and 2050). Submitted by Joachim on Fri, 2011-01-07 12:29. From top.
Topics: Climate change adaptation Energy Resource efficiency and waste Values calculated on the basis of default population equivalents and treatment efficiencies and (2) Discover data on Eurostat: Population: by Sex in European Union. Explore expert forecasts and historical data on economic indicators across 195+ countries. 2020-02-07 data.europa.eu Resident population from censuses for year 2011 provided by Eurostat were disaggregated from source zones to grid cells, informed by land use and land cover from Corine Land Cover Refined 2006 and by the distribution and density of built-up as mapped in the European Settlement Map 2016 layer.
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Population: 447,706,209 (2020) Growth rate: 0,1 (2020 est.) Birth rate: 9.5 births per 1,000 (2020 est.) Death rate: 10.7 deaths per 1,000 (2020 est.) Life expectancy: 80.9 years • male: 78 years • female: 83.9 years (2020 est.) Fertility rate: 1.62 children per woman (2020 est.) Infant mortality rate population. In 2017, the natural population change (live births minus deaths) was slightly negative, and net inward migration was therefore key to the population growth seen in those years. Combined, thesetrends are resulting in a dramatically ageing EU-28, whose working population Countries in the EU by population (2021) The European Union has 28 member countries. Click on each country to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, and projected figures.
Sisäasiainministeriö SM2008-00573 MMO - Eduskunta
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Economy and finance, Population and social conditions, Industry, trade and av T Heleniak · 2016 — but not to prevent, population ageing in all Nordic countries (Eurostat (2014): main scenario and 'no mi- gration' scenario). This report summarizes the main Figures for EA and EU are compiled according to ISCED2011: Less than primary and lower secondary (levels 0-2), Upper secondary and post-secondary non- Eurostats beräkningar visar att befolkningsutvecklingen i EU fram till 2025 kommer Eurostat, news release, STAT/05/48 of 8 April 2005, Population projections Soon the European Data Portal and the EU Open Data Portal are coming This file contains variables from the Population Theme that was produced by AIRO av H Räisänen · 2019 · Citerat av 2 — Eurostat's population scenarios indicate the significant impact of migration on demographic development by 2035. It seems that immigration eur-lex.europa.eu. Les EÂ tats membres preÂsentent, pour la caracteÂristique «population desservie par le systeÁme de collecte municipal» mentionneÂe aÁ la I EU bor det ungefär 33,5 miljoner personer som är födda utanför unionen, vilket är Eurostat: 'Migration and migrant population statistics' ↩ Sources: Eurostat EU LFS, Eurostat population statistics, national data sources, DG Employment estimates. “:” figures too small to be reliable or As of 31 December 2017 the population of Bulgaria is 7 050 034 persons, representing 1.4% of the EU population. Compared to 2016, the According to the WHO, more than 20 % of the world's population are smokers, Facts about democracy, EU parliament, freedom, governance, av J Bjork · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — Background This aggregated population study of 219 regions in 11 the same period 2015-2019 were retrieved from Eurostat and national Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and NUTS 3 region. Source: Eurostat · Demographics,; Population · World Data Atlas Enligt uppgifter från Eurostat är Sverige det.
News and information from Eurostat. Discover European statistics and give us your feedback! Lawful good. Eurostat is the Statistical office of the EU within the European Commission. Its mission is to provide high quality statistics for Europe. While fulfilling its mission, Eurostat promotes the following values: respect and trust, fostering excellence, promoting innovation, service orientation, professional independence.
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62,616 likes · 4,443 talking about this · 348 were here. News and information from Eurostat.
The annual Eurostat's collection on statistics on acquisitions of citizenship is structured as follows: Data Collection Info & Legislation UNIDEMO Unified Demographic The most extended annual collection on demography and migration, collecting data at national and regional level for population, births, deaths, immigrants, emigrants, acquisition and loss of citizenship, marriages and divorces by
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The population is based on data from the most recent census adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or based on population registers. At the beginning of The annual Eurostat's collection on statistics on acquisitions of citizenship is structured as follows: Data Collection Info & Legislation UNIDEMO Unified Demographic The most extended annual collection on demography and migration, collecting data at national and regional level for population, births, deaths, immigrants, emigrants, acquisition and loss of citizenship, marriages and divorces by Eurostat collects rail transport statistics by two means: 1. Voluntary data collection. Data are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Full details are set out in another document (see link to 21.3.
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62,608 likes · 4,487 talking about this · 348 were here. News and information from Eurostat.
62,653 likes · 4,443 talking about this · 348 were here. News and information from Eurostat. Discover European statistics and give us your feedback! Lawful good. Eurostat is the Statistical office of the EU within the European Commission.