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The requested document has been opened in the appropriate software. CN-nimikkeistö (Combined Nomenclature) on Euroopan yhteisön yhdistetty nimikkeistö, jonka 8-numeroisia nimikkeitä käytetään vienti-ilmoituksissa ja sisäkaupan tilastoilmoituksissa. Nimikkeistöön tulee muutoksia vuosittain ja seuraavan vuoden alussa voimaan tuleva nimikkeistö julkaistaan joka vuosi viimeistään lokakuun loppuun mennessä yhteisön virallisessa lehdessä. Zolltarifnummern, EZT, Taric, HS-Code - Europäisches Zollportal Finden Sie alle Zolltarifnummern aus dem Warenverzeichnis des Außenhandels in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch von 2009 bis heute.

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Building on this six digit code, the HS is extended with two digits by the combined nomenclature (CN) of the European Communities (places 7 + 8 of the code number, see Annex I to the said Regulation). Förklarande anmärkningar till HS (FAHS) Register till FAHS och Tulltaxan (Index/ordlistan) Beslut i klassificeringsfrågor; Förklarande anmärkningar till KN (FAKN) Övrig klassificeringshjälp; Explanatory Notes to CN; CLASS Consultation (EN) Sök {{metaDataInfoCtrl.metaData.desription}} Gå till huvudsida. Om Date HS Code Description Origin Country Port of Discharge Unit Quantity Value (INR) Per Unit (INR) Sep 12 2014: 87082900: GLIDING PLATE 33823000 LISSOIR TARIC 3926909790 (48 … HSC 21, Annex L/23 (Ändrat HS-nummer från 2007-01-01). 8517 69. Personsökare avsedda att avge en ljudsignal och en optisk signal vid mottagandet av en förinställd radiosignal som möjliggör mottagning av meddelanden, t.ex.

De sidste to cifre kommer af TARIC (EU’s integrerede toldtarif) og afgør bl.a., om der er toldsuspension, mulighed for toldnedsættelse eller antidumpingtold på dine importvarer.

Tullnummer - Svenska - Engelska Översättning och exempel

News: From August 1, 2018, the China Customs Commodity HS Code has been changed from the original 10-digit HS code to the new 13-digit HS code ; the first 8-digit is the Commodity HS code of "Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China" ; 9, 10 digit are customs supervisory additional numbers, and 11-13 are additional numbers for inspection and quarantine. Bij bepaalde goederen gelden meerdere maatregelen, in dat geval kan de Taric-code worden uitgebreid naar maximaal 18 cijfers.

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Explanatory Notes to CN Den Kombinerande nomenklaturen (KN) är EU:s legala tulltaxa Här finns länkar till de engelska versionerna av kommissionens förordningar av de förklarande anmärkningarna till KN. The HS is a description and coding system aimed at providing a worldwide uniform classification of goods.

Hs cn taric

All businesses exporting goods from an EU country to outside the EU are required to list the CN code of their merchandise on their export declaration forms. The HS is a description and coding system aimed at providing a worldwide uniform classification of goods.
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Fastställd största kvantitet. Skodon ex 6402 99. 1). 4.2.2 Den gemensamma tulltaxan och TARIC. 81 4.3 Institutioner omfattar dels HS-nomenklaturen och EG:s underuppdelningar (CN subdivisions), HS Tariffkod (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) http://tulltaxan.tullverket.se/#!/taric/nomenclature.

In order to apply specific import measures, the EU Member States added an additional 2 figures to the CN to create the Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC - online customs tariff database). HS SubHeading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter CN SubHeading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 15 - Containing no sucrose or containing less than 5% by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose TARIC Sub Heading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 15 00 The first six digits refer to the classification in the WCO Harmonized System (HS).
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Baza danych TARIC znajduje się na stronie internetowej Komisji Europejskiej i jest powiązana z systemem ISZTAR. Enter the goods nomenclature code when you know the code. A TARIC goods code consists of a 10-digit TARIC code which includes 6 HS digits (digits 1-6) and 2 CN digits (digits 7-8) as well as the two TARIC digits (digits 9-10).

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The first 6 digits are based on the Harmonized System (HS), a global system  Are you thinking of importing or exporting this commodity? Do you need advice or a quote to perform a customs clearance, shipping or air transport? Publish a  Feb 13, 2020 HS codes are 6-10 digit codes assigned to specific goods by customs authorities. They make cargo identifiable and ensuring the seamless  The 6-digit HS code is internationally harmonized under the HS Convention ( International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding   Jul 24, 2018 The Harmonized System – HS-Code for Customs to the above model is extended by two more digits (Combined Nomenclature – CN). are assigned according to the “Integrated Tariff of the European Union” (TARIC). The first six digits contain the HS (Harmonised System) code. The CN (Combined Nomenclature) code is a breakdown of the HS to eight-digit level, and TARIC  classified : Harmonized System (HS) Combined Nomenclature (CN) TARIC Refund nomenclature Other (Specify): 6.

Närvarande som: English translation, definition, meaning

2. The products in this Annex are identified by their eight-digit CN codes. 6 The CN is based on the HS. foot or integrated in the lamp foot normally declared under CN code ex853931 90 (TARIC code 85393190*91) (the product concerned)  (45) Taric Fildistribution Version 2.0 Tullverket Box Stockholm tullverket.se (45) Strukturen är: Kapitel (position 1-2) HS (position 1-6) CN (position 7-8).

The first six digits refer to the classification in the WCO Harmonized System (HS). This classification is further subdivided by the European Union into the eight-digit Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes. For import declarations, these codes are subdivided further into ten-digit Taric codes. The TARIC code is based on the eight-digit HS and CN codes and adds an additional two digits.