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Bekijk meer ideeën over jordanië, reizen, ruïnes. Program 85. Petra, die Rotsstad (1) Petra, wat “Rots” in Grieks beteken, is ‘n verlate stad suid van die Dooie See in Jordanië. In die antieke geskiedenis het dit as Seïr bekend gestaan, wat die hoofstad van Edom was.

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For more information, visit Petra (grekiska πέτρα, Petra, "sten"; arabiska: البتراء, Al-Batrāʾ) var en stad under antiken och är idag en arkeologisk plats i Jordanien.Den är belägen omkring 100 kilometer norr om Aqaba intill orten Wadi Musa i provinsen Ma'an. A collection of genealogical profiles related to The Nabateans of Petra. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Petra: Petra is the best known of all of the Nabataean cities.

Petra is ’n ruïne-kompleks wat weggesteek lê in ’n rotsagtige streek suid van die Dooie See, in die huidige Jordanië. Waar eenmaal gedink is dat hy ’n stad was met wonings wat in die kranse uitgekap is, word nou aanvaar dat hy ’n doolhof van graftombes was. Petra se rol in die geskiedenis is dus, ten spyte van sy absolute verlatenheid, nog nie verby nie.

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Jordanien · Nabateer · Petra : arkeologi · Nollataksesi suodattimet. Hakusi ei antanut osumia. Kokeile uudestaan. Kokeile seuraavia: Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus.

Nabateers petra

The Nabataeans in Focus Fruugo SE

Nabateers petra

Accustomed to tents, the early Nabateans had no significant building traditions, so with their sudden disposable income they drew on styles ranging from Greek to Egyptian to Mesopotamian to Indian: they borrowed from everybody,” - Smithsonian Magazine Petra,… The Fall of Petra On one vital visit to the city of Petra amid the late spring of 2002, I happened to stop for a visit at the Great Temple site. Luckily Dr. Artemis Joukowsky (Chancellor Emeritus, Brown University) was working at the site, and he took a couple of minutes to reveal to me the most recent disclosures that had been uncovered. The Nabateans profited for a while from their incorporation into the trade routes of the Roman Near East, and Petra may have grown to house 20,000-30,000 people during its heyday. However, commerce became less profitable to the Nabateans with the shift of trade routes to Palmyra in Syria and the expansion of seaborne trade around the Arabian Petra was founded by the Nabateans circa the 4th-century BCE, although there are some scholars who think it was closer to the 2nd-century BCE, so it may be more accurate to say that it was built . The 2,000-year-old city of Petra, Jordan, known for the magnificent temples carved into its red sandstone cliffs, is also home to an incredible feat of hydraulic engineering. An extensive water supply system turned this ancient city into a man-made oasis supporting a substantial population. At its peak, Petra was the thriving capital of… De Nabateeërs zijn in de moderne tijd het meest bekend door Petra, een van de zeven nieuwe wereldwonderen.

Nabateers petra

In later eeue het die Nabateërs in die plek van die verdryfde Edomiete hier gewoon en hulle hoofstad Petra genoem. Petra—’n Stad uit rots gekap. BAIE stede van die antieke wêreld het belangrike riviere gehad wat deur hulle gevloei het, waarvan die oorvloed water hulle gevoed en beskerm het. Maar daar was een stad aan die noordwestelike grens van die Arabiese Woestyn wat bekendheid verwerf het vanweë die gebrek aan water. Die stad se naam was Petra.
Signal 100

Ad Deir i Petra Gudarna som dyrkades vid Petra var framför allt Dushara och Al-âUzá . Dushara En förvirrad massa av nabateer gav strid men besegrades. hafvet belägna Petra, som jämte Bostra (i Hauran) var deras förnämsta stad, uppfördes på 200-talet en mängd storartade byggnader, hvilkas ruiner ännu i Ruin staden Petra Jordanien vid vårt besök med Albatros Resor hösten 2012 Se mats Tags: ARABISKA RUINSTÄDERGLÖMDA RUINERNABATEERPETRA  The city of Petra was brought to the attention of Westerners by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812. [citation needed] Nabateans today.

Onlangs is in Soleb Egiptiese tekste ontdek wat die Sjosoe verbind met die naam van Jahweh, die naam van die Here in die Ou Testament. Die prag en praal van Petra . Petra is prágtig en is in 300 v.C.
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Han hadde  Dess huvudstad hette Petra. Nabateer Ett arabiskt folk som på 300-talet f Kr trängde undan edomiterna och skapade ett betydande välde i landet öster om Jordan  engang halvt jøde, fordi hans mor hadde vært arabisk prinsesse, en nabateer. Her. overdrev de, men karavaner var underveis fra Petra i Arabia.

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Blad 2007-03.indd - Hagakyrkan Sundsvall -

City of Petra The city of Petra was established as a trading post by the Nabateans, an Arab Bedouin tribe indigenous to the region in what is now southwestern Jordan. The Nabateans living and .

Juni 2011 Nr. 80 - SGS Scandinavian Geographic Society

Although Petra was inhabited by the Edomites before the arrival of the Nabateans, the latter carved grandiose buildings, temples and tombs out of solid sandstone rock. They also constructed a wall to fortify the city, although Petra was almost naturally defended by the surrounding sandstone mountains. 2015-05-23 2011-05-01 2008-04-10 A collection of genealogical profiles related to The Nabateans of Petra. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. 2017-12-27 Petra (Arabies: البتراء, Al-Batrāʾ; Antieke Grieks: Πέτρα), onder die Nabateërs bekend as Raqmu, is 'n ruïnestad in suidwestelike Jordanië en was in antieke tye die hoofstad van die Nabatese ryk asook 'n belangrike kruispunt in die Midde-Ooste.Die stad is bekend vir sy graftempels wat uit die rotse gebeitel is. Petra is in 1985 deur Unesco as wêrelderfenisgebied gelys en word Petra er optaget på UNESCOs liste over verdens kulturarv. De folk - sigøjnerne - der senest boede i hulebyen, blev tvangsflyttet til en nybygget by i nærheden.

For centuries, the Nabataeans never constructed a single house, or a single temple. When they chose the site of Petra to build their magnificent city, it was a barren canyon, and possibly a place were they buried their dead. It seems that the Edomites never occupied this site. The Edomite capital was Busheira, located south of present day Tafila. City of Petra The city of Petra was established as a trading post by the Nabateans, an Arab Bedouin tribe indigenous to the region in what is now southwestern Jordan. The Nabateans living and .