Dieselskatt - Ekonomifakta
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In June 2013, the government raised the price of low-octane gasoline 44% to 6,500 rupiah ($0.66) per liter and of diesel 22% to 5,500 rupiah per liter to help close a widening budget deficit. The move caused violent protest in some areas. Diesel rate on the first day of the year was Rs.62.26 a litre. It increased to Rs.66.81 a litre on the last day of the first month, January 2018. The second month of the year began with diesel being priced at Rs.66.90 a litre, but the closing price for the moth fell to Rs.64.82 a litre. Also Check: Diesel Price in Guwahati Diesel Fuel Price Per 1 Barrel 207.16 EUR 1 Liter = 0,001 m³ Diesel Fuel Price Per 1 m³ 1303.00 EUR commodity#category#6. Name Price % Unit Date Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter) Definition: Fuel prices refer to the pump prices of the most widely sold grade of diesel fuel.
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A map is also provided for the percentage of taxes in the fuel price. Composition of the retail price of petrol and the wholesale prices for diesel in inland (gauteng) for the period 07 April cent per liter, cent per liter, cent per liter . 17 Feb 2021 Petrol costs about 10 cents less per lire Belgium than in the UK, and the price of diesel in Belgium is lower by about 12 cents. So if you're headed Find out the latest fuel prices at WOQOD Qatar.
I dag justerades bensin- och dieselpriset på mackarna i Sverige. Blyfri 95-oktanig bensin höjdes med tio öre till 15,96 kronor per liter och diesel höjdes med samma belopp till 15,86 kronor per liter. Priserna gäller bemannade drivmedelsstationer.
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Efter sänkningen är riktpriset för en liter diesel på bemannade stationer 14:71 kronor. Priserna på bensin och etanol In June 2020, the diesel price per liter in the United States stood at 0.64 U.S. dollars per liter. In the United Kingdom in the same month, the price stood at 1.41 U.S. dollars per liter.
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Listeprisen for en liter diesel rammer torsdag 8,59 kroner per liter. Det er den laveste pris siden 9.
St1 Gullspång Hova: Mariestadsvägen 36: 14,71kr 11/4: Ingo Vetlanda Vetlanda: Nygatan 1: 14,73kr 9/4: OKQ8 Vetlanda Storgatan 83: 14,73kr 9/4: St1 Falköping Warodells väg 1: 14,74kr 11/4: St1 Falköping Nordmannagatan 2: 14,74kr 11/4: St1 Falköping Fredsgatan 1: 14,74kr 11/4
GoEasy Diesel: 15,82 kr. 15,67 kr - 10 öre. 2021-04-08.
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Varje år brukar miljöskatterna på diesel och bensin indexuppräknas och höjas sänks med 5 öre per liter bensin och med 6,3 öre per liter diesel.
Etanol. HVO100. 2021-04-08. Priserna på bensin och diesel bestäms baserat på internationellt oljepris, världsmarknadspris för bensin eller diesel, dollarkurs, skatter, transportkostnader,
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Fuel cost (pence per litre) Miles per gallon Diesel. Produktnamn: Diesel. Pris: 15,57.
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För dieseln bedömer regeringen att det rör sig om 50–75 öre per år. Fram till 2030 kan priset på bensin ha ökat med upp till 3,60 kronor per liter.
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Diesel rate on the first day of the year was Rs.62.26 a litre. It increased to Rs.66.81 a litre on the last day of the first month, January 2018. The second month of the year began with diesel being priced at Rs.66.90 a litre, but the closing price for the moth fell to Rs.64.82 a litre.
126.5 cents per litre (cpl) in Darwin (up by 8.2 cpl in the month); Darwin had Darwin had the second lowest retail diesel price of all capital cities; 140.6 cpl in Maximum prices in EUR · Liquid gas · Liquid gas (home delivery) · heating Gas oil 50 ppm S (/l) · heating Gasoil 50 ppm S - small quantities · Road diesel (per liter) Current Year, Last Year.